Stop AIDS Festival

The Student Stop AIDS Campaign is made up young people across the world who believe that the world’s response to the HIV pandemic is insufficient and unacceptable.
As part of the broad coalition of NGOs which make up the Stop AIDS Campaign, the Student Stop AIDS Campaign works to bring about the changes in national and international policy which will turn the tide on the spread of HIV and minimise its devastating impact on people and communities around the world.



Our underlying vision is to ensure there are zero new infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS related deaths.
We want to see the reversal and ultimate ending of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through the promotion of universal access to evidence-based prevention and affordable treatment and through long term and sustainable care and support.
We want governments, global institutions and corporations to put the life-saving needs of people before profit and commercial interests.
We want to see a world free from stigma and discrimination through increased global awareness and education.

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